Over the weekend, I decided that the front part of the design needs to meet the ground despite the advantages stated in the earlier post. As Ted so astutely pointed out, this was "avoiding" the issues regarding how this should interact with the ground instead of working to resolve those issues. It was too easy just to remove the enclosure from the ground level. So I am back to working this out. These drawings show progress so far...

As El Guapo would say "yeepyy" is spring time, the coat and cold medicine is down in the basement and I am ready to listen to some tunes. I see bikes, people moving through the building, above the street, I could see from accross the street. The building is strongly rooted and yet not heavy, I feel its presence. Perhaps the glass enclosure at the ground level occurs and it is the gathering that gives its bulk. Maybe the i-tunes guy dances at the upper levels and at the ground level he sits, sips on a Coolatta, rollerblade, or breakdances, its hammertime! Keep going brother, we are running out of time. :-)
I think the struggle with the street is starting to yield some fruit. Allowing the building to touch the ground is a reasonable approach, while not avoiding the problem. I am very concerned with everything above the street plane. It appears to me that you simply extruded the plan that was set at the street plane, threw on some glass and ta da - a building. I want to see the same level of inquiry that you went through on the street plane for the facades, glass corners, floor slabs, vertical circulation, etc. Before this thing can be a building it needs more thought; much more thought.
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