In an urgent plea to Ted Galante, I wrote:Perhaps it is my innate pragmatism; perhaps I am being resistant to new ideas, but…
Frankly, our first assignment has left me baffled. Our task to map an experience in time (and space) is certainly intriguing enough, though I do not have any idea yet what the final product will look like.
Etc, etc, etc...Well, I still don't have any idea what the the final product will look like, but I have decided to just let that go... I am a firm believer in the creative mind being informed by our sub-conscious and unconscious minds. Some of my most creative solutions have come to me upon waking up in the morning or following a short nap. I have also tapped into my creative mind through peripatetic thinking - thought where your conscious mind is distracted by some physical activity like walking, swimming, or taking a shower. This frees up your subconscious mind to work the problem. For this to happen though, you must feed your subconscious mind with all the information that it needs to arrive at a creative solution. This mean your conscious mind must fully understand the needs and conditions for the problem to be solved. This is the research phase. So I have started doing some research....
It seemed timely that I should research the process of acquiring an iPhone. I visited Apple's web-site for the company line.
I read two articles in the August 21, 2007 PC Magazine:
iPhone: The Anatomy of the Hype
... a media spectacle that saw lines two blocks long...
and, Apple iPhone - Fun, Fabulous, and Flawed
They found the Audio, Video, and Internet were outstanding, but as a phone, they found the sound quality to be poor and the reception to be weak.
Consumer reports, September 2007, came to similar conclusions: "As a phone: The device is so-so in sound quality and lacks some common phone features... As an MP3 Player: The iPhone excels...
CR's Take: The iPhone is at least competent in all key tasks... Buy it now and you'll get a versatile, innovative device with a high price and a few warts. Future versions may well address some of those shortcomings and cost less too"
I found out from ATT that the closest store where I can purchase the iPhone is in Brunswick, about 45 minutes away. If I decide to make this trip, I will have to take the scenic route via US1 so I can stop at the Taste of Maine in Woolwich eat a lobster so I can get some building materials for my lobster shell mosaic of my experience......